
We’re always listening. We’re always learning.
As leaders among our worldwide – yet so closely knit – endometriosis community, we recognize the importance now more than ever of upholding our shared commitment towards fostering a welcoming, supportive and inclusive space for all. We are so fortunate to have the privilege of providing care to a beautifully diverse patient population between us, one comprised of individuals from every race, religion and background from around the globe.

One Size Does Not Fit All for Infertility, Endometriosis, & Pregnancy Loss
This week marks National Infertility Awareness week, a time devoted to bringing awareness to and educating the greater community about a struggle that impacts millions of individuals in the United States alone. Although not all patients with endometriosis will struggle to conceive, some studies suggest that up to 50% of women with infertility also struggle with endometriosis.

Sleep, Self Care, & Chronic Pain
Corey guests on this weeks blog from her office in Downtown Manhattan at Beyond Basics Physical Therapy. She will join Amy Stein as our Self Care Workshop Leaders at the Endometriosis Summit. Sleep can be crucial to combatting pelvic pain and for brain health.