Endometriosis: Are adhesions creating wreaking havoc in the endometriosis pelvis? Do they contribute to pain? Do they contribute to fertility issues?

Time to listen in and learn all the truth about endometriosis. This podcast has something for everyone in the endometriosis community. The Endometriosis Summit rounded up three of the top endometriosis and adhesion specialists in the country for this in depth discussion on the newest thoughts and approaches to adhesions in the person with endometriosis. This episode features Dr. John Dulemba, an excision of endometriosis and robotics specialist who focuses on adhesions and preventing recurrent disease. Dr. Jessica Opoku Anane from California joins Dr Dulemba and discusses everything in the person with endometriosis that should be evaluated and Dr Patrick Yeung, a reproductive specialist who also performs excision in St Louis, Missouri. Dr. Dulemba works with second look surgeries and Dr. Yeung is publishing on the use of Gore-tek to prevent adhesions in the fertility patient. The evening is hosted by Dr Andrea Vidali, @endometriosis_surgeon himself, who discusses the surgical techniques to prevent adhesions and how the immune responses of endometriosis may cause pain and miscarriage. Dr. Vidali is the Co-Founder of The Endometriosis Summit and practices in Hoboken NJ and New York City. His partner in endometriosis crime is Dr. Sallie Sarrel, a pelvic physical therapist and person with endometriosis who is the driving force behind the Endo Summit.

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