Trauma and Endometriosis: The unspoken common denominator

Because when one partner has endometriosis, everyone around them has endometriosis we invited Brandon Johnson, a mental health counselor, to discuss how best to support your partner when endometriosis is the third person in your relationship.

Brandon is a licensed Social Worker whose goal is to guide you through life’s most complex and difficult matters. Brandon has battled infertility himself, and realized that for many partners, especially men, the infertility journey is lonely. Knowing too many are suffering in silence he created Infertility Isn’t Inferior to be a mental health resource.

Brandon has an active YouTube channel and has been features in The Endometriosis Summit Fertility Weekend and The Endometriosis Summit 2021. 

More from Brandon can be found here:

Brandon speaks about infertility, endometriosis, and supporting the male partner here:

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